Thursday 28 January 2016



Press space to explore the interactive list of carefully-chosen key bindings.
You can also press the home buffer’s [?] button for some great first key bindings to try

Common keys

space f help define function - fuzzy search for a function and find out how to use it
space k help define key - insert any key sequence and find out what it’s bound to

space v split screen to the right
space l jump to window at right
space h jump to window at left
space space show a letter on each window which you can press to jump to

space tab switch to last buffer
space b show list of open buffers
space d kills the current buffer
space s switch to scratch buffer (analogous to new file)
space s save file (if it’s the scratch buffer it will prompt you for a name)

Open a file:
space f opens the file navigator
ctrl l jumps into a folder
ctrl h jumps out of a folder
enter opens the selected file into a new buffer
to create a new file - open the scratch buffer (space b s) and when ready to save (space f s)

projects are typically defined by a source control marker, such as a .git folder, or can be manually created by defining a .projectile file
space f opens the project navigator
space p switch to another project
enter then opens the project navigator for that project

space / searches through a whole project (using the tool specified by dotspacemacs-search-tools)
spaces searches within a file (helm swoop)
ctrl j move down in the seach results
ctrl k move up in the seach results
space l shows a list of all the functions on the current file (requires the semantic layer)
space space shows a prompt for a char, and then shows all locations of words which begin with that char. Press the appropriate key to jump to that location.
space` jump back to previous mark (consider using ctrlo instead)

space C build
space r repeat last build command

Text selection:
space v select region
v expand region
V contract region

space d describe
f functions
v variables
k key-bindings
space h open help documentation

requires dotspacemacs-configuration-layers auto-completion to be enabled
ctrl l paste selected completion
ctrl / fuzzy search
alt / auto-complete selected function template

requires dotspacemacs-configuration-layers eyebrowse to be enabled
space 0..9 switch to or create workspace
t switch to next workspace
g T switch to previous workspace
space c close current workspace

space; toggle comment (if region currently selected - comments that, otherwise enters toggle comment mode)
p comment paragraph
i comment indent region

space j jump in buffer

Wednesday 27 January 2016

emacs 24.5 on Ubuntu and spacemacs

Spacemacs on on Ubuntu 14.04

Build emacs-24.5

Install git and build-essential:

$ sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential

Install emacs24 build dependencies

$ sudo apt-get build-dep emacs24

Download the source for the version of emacs you want from the emacs ftp site

Unpack the source into a directory where you’re going to build it

$ cd /tmp
$ mv ~/Downloads/emacs-24.5.tar.xz .
$ tar -xf emacs-24.5.tar.xz 
$ cd emacs-24.5

Configure and build it

$ ./configure
$ make -j4
$ sudo make install

Install spacemacs

Move any existing emacs configuration to backup

$ mv ~/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d.bak

Clone the spacemacs repo:

$ git clone ~/.emacs.d

Launch and it will install it’s required packages