Friday 28 December 2012

xbmcfreak installation

I have an ASRock Ion 330HT PC with a 32GB Corsair SSD which I'm using as a media server.

Installation of XBMCFreak LiveCD 10:

Download from and burn to CD

Boot up, choose Install LiveCD and walk through the installation.

For partitioning the hard-drive I chose to use Guided - use entire disk. (I initially tried LVM but this failed - I didn't really bother to find out why)

The installation takes about 5 or 10 minutes; be patient with the blank blue screen that is displayed while it installs.

Post installation configuration:

Mount NAS on NFS:

add nas ip-address to /etc/hosts
$ nas

create mount point in fs
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/raid

install nfs client
$ sudo apt-get install nfs-common portmap

mount nfs
$ sudo mount -o rw,async -t nfs4 nas:/mnt/raid /mnt/raid

make it premanent by adding mount command to /etc/fstab
$ nas:/mnt/raid /mnt/raid nfs4 rw,async

Sunday 9 December 2012

Puppet - open source configuration management

Open source job schedulers

Open source job scheduler

GNU Batch