Common signature:
rule rule-name
target-name :
sources + :
requirements * :
default-build * :
usage-requirements *
target-name is the name used to request the target
sources is the list of source files or other targets
requirements is the list of properties that must always be present when building this target
default-build is the list of properties that will be used unless some other value is already specified (eg: on cmd line or propagation from a dependent target)
usage-requirements is the properties that will be propagated to all targets that use this one
Helper commands:
glob - takes a list shell pattern and returns the list of files in the project's source directory that match the pattern. optional second argument is a list of exclude patterns
lib tools : [ glob *.cpp : exclude.cpp ] ;
glob-tree - recursive glob
lib tools : [ glob-tree *.cpp : .svn ] ;
constant - project wide constant
constant VERSION : 1.34.0 ;
project project-name
: requirements <feature>value <feature>value
exe app-name
: app.cpp some_library.lib ../project//library
: <threading>multi
sources is one cpp file (app.cpp), a library in the same directory (some_library.lib) and a Jamfile target (library) specified in the Jamfile found in the path ../project
requirements is that threading is multi
Library targets can represent:
Libraries that should be built from source
lib lib-name
: lib.cpp
sources is one cpp file (lib.cpp)
Prebuilt libraries which already exist on the system
Such libraries can be searched for by the tools using them (typically with the linker's -l option), or their paths can be known in advance by the build system.
: lib.cpp
sources is one cpp file (lib.cpp)
Prebuilt libraries which already exist on the system
Such libraries can be searched for by the tools using them (typically with the linker's -l option), or their paths can be known in advance by the build system.
lib z
: <name>z <search>../3rd/libz
: <name>z <search>../3rd/libz
lib compress
: <file>/opt/libs/libcompress.a
: <file>/opt/libs/libcompress.a
<name> specifies the name of the library without the standard prefixes and suffixes.
In the above example, z could refer to, libz.a, z.lib etc
<search> specifies paths in which to search for the library (in addition to the default compiler paths)
<search> can be specified multiple times, or omitted (meaning only the default compiler paths will be searched)
Note that <search> paths are added to the linker search path (-L) for all libraries being linked in the target, which can potentially lead to libraries from another path being picked up first
Convenience helper syntax for prebuilt libraries
lib z ;
lib gui db aux ;
is the same as
lib z : : <name>z ;
lib gui : : <name>gui ;
lib db : : <name>db ;
lib aux : : <name>aux ;
Prebuilt libraries for different build variants
lib foo
: <file>libfoo_release.a <variant>release
lib foo
: <file>libfoo_debug.a <variant>debug
Referencing other libraries
When a library references another library, that library should be listed in its list of sources.
Specify library dependencies even for searched and prebuilt libraries
lib z ;
lib png : z : <name>png ;
How Boost.Build includes library dependencies
When a library has a shared library as a source, or a static library has another static library as a source, then an target linking to the first library will also automatically link to the source library
However, when a shared library has a static library as a source, then the shared library will be built such that it completely includes the static library (--whole-archive)
If you don't want this behaviour, you need to use the following:
lib a : a.cpp : <use>b : : <library>b ;
This says that library uses library b, and causes executables that link to a to also link to b, instead of a referring to b
Automatically add a library's header location to any upstream target's include path
When a library's interface is in a header file, you can set usage-requirements for the library to include the path where the header file is, so that any target using the library target will automatically get the path to its header added to its include search path
lib foo : foo.cpp : : : <include>. ;
Control library linking order
If library a "uses" library b, then library a will appear before library b.
Library a is considered to use library b is b is present either in library a's sources or its usage is listed in its requirements
The <use> feature can also be used to explicitly express a relationship.
lib z ;
lib png : : <use>z ;
exe viewer : viewer png z ;
z will be linked before png
Special helper for zlib.
zlib can be configured either to use precompiled binaries or to build the library from source.
Find zlib in the default system location
using zlib ;
Build zlib from source
using zlib : 1.2.7 : <source>/home/steven/zlib-1.2.7 ;
Find zlib in /usr/local
using zlib : 1.2.7 : <include>/usr/local/include <search>/usr/local/lib ;
Build zlib from source for msvc and find prebuilt binaries for gcc.
using zlib : 1.2.7 : <source>C:/Devel/src/zlib-1.2.7 : <toolset>msvc ;
using zlib : 1.2.7 : : <toolset>gcc ;
Builtin features:
variant - build variant. Default configuration values: debug, release, profile.
link - library linking. values: shared, static
runtime-link - binary linking. values: shared, static
threading - link additional threading libraries. values: single, multi
source - useful for adding the same source to all targets in the project (put <source> in requirements), or to conditionally include a source
library - useful for linking to the same libraries for all targets in the project
dependency - introduces a dependency on the target named by the value. If the declared target is built, the dependent target will be too
implicit-dependency - indicates the target named by the value may produce files which the declared target uses.
use - introduces a dependency on the target named by the value, and adds its usage requirements to the build properties of the target being declared. The dependency is not used in any other way.
dll-path - add a shared library search path.
hardcode-dll-path - hardcode the dll-path entries. Values: true, false.
cflags, cxxflags, linkflags - passed on to the corresponding tools.
include - add an include search path.
define - define a preprocessor symbol. A value can be specified: <define>symbol=value
warnings - control the warning level of the compiler. Values: off, on, all.
warnings-as-errors - turn on to have builds fail when a warning is emitted.
build - skips building the target. Useful to conditionally set the value. Values: no.
tag - customize the name of generated files. Value: @rulename, where rulename is the name of a rule with the signature: rule tag ( name : type ? : property-set ). The rule will be called for each target with the default name of the target, the type of the target, and property set. Return an empty string to use the default target name, or a non empty string to be used for the name of the target. Useful for encoding library version nos etc.
debug-symbols - Include debug symbols in the object files etc. Values: on, off.
Change behaviour for only a single object file
obj foo : foo.cpp : <optimizarion>off ;
exe bar : bar.cpp foo ;
foo will be built with the special flags, and then van be pulled into other targets
Alternative name for a group of targets
alias core : foo bar baz ;
Using core in the source list of any other target or on the command line will translate to the aliased group of targets
Change build properties
alias my_bar : ../foo//bar : <link>static ;
my_bar now refers to the bar target in the foo Jamfile, but has the requirement that it be linked statically
Specify a header only library
alias hdr_only_lib : : : : <include>/path/to/headers ;
Using hdr_only_lib will just add an include path to any targets
Propagation of usage-requirements
When an alias has sources, the usage-requirements of those sources are propagated as well.
lib lib1 : lib1src.cpp : : : <include>/path/to/lib1.hpp ;
Installing a built target to a relative path
install dist : foo bar ;
foo and bar will be moved to the dist folder, relative to the Jamfile's directory
Installing a built target to specific location
install dist : foo bar : <location>/install/path/location
foo and bar will be moved to /install/path/location
Installing a built target to a path based on a conditional expression
install dist
: foo bar
: <variant>release:<location>dist/release
<variant>debug:<location>dist/debug ;
foo and bar will be installed to relative path dist/<build-variant>
Installing a built target to a path based on an environment variable
(see accessing environment variables below)
install dist : foo bar : <location>$(DIST) ;
Automatically install all dependencies
install dist
: foo
: <install-dependencies>on
Preserve directory hierarchy
install headers
: a/b/c.h
: <location>/tmp
Install into several directories
use an alias rule to install to several directories
alias install : install-bin install-lib ;
install install-bin : apps : <location>/usr/bin ;
install install-lib : libs : <location>/usr/lib ;
set the RPATH
install installed : application : <dll-path>/usr/lib/snake
<location>/usr/bin ;
will allow the application to find libraries placed in the /usr/lib/snake directory.
behaves just like exe rule, but the test is automatically run after building
runs the test through the launcher, eg: valgrind build/path/foo_test
Environment variables:
local foo = [ SHELL "bar" ] ;
Executing external programs:
import os ;
local SOME_PATH = [ os.environ SOME_PATH ] ;
exe foo : foo.cpp : <include>$(SOME_PATH) ;
Conditional expressions:
property ( "," property ) * ":" property
multiple properties can be combined
will link hello statically only when compiling with gcc on NT
Command reference:
In the above example, z could refer to, libz.a, z.lib etc
<search> specifies paths in which to search for the library (in addition to the default compiler paths)
<search> can be specified multiple times, or omitted (meaning only the default compiler paths will be searched)
Note that <search> paths are added to the linker search path (-L) for all libraries being linked in the target, which can potentially lead to libraries from another path being picked up first
Convenience helper syntax for prebuilt libraries
lib z ;
lib gui db aux ;
is the same as
lib z : : <name>z ;
lib gui : : <name>gui ;
lib db : : <name>db ;
lib aux : : <name>aux ;
Prebuilt libraries for different build variants
lib foo
: <file>libfoo_release.a <variant>release
lib foo
: <file>libfoo_debug.a <variant>debug
Referencing other libraries
When a library references another library, that library should be listed in its list of sources.
Specify library dependencies even for searched and prebuilt libraries
lib z ;
lib png : z : <name>png ;
How Boost.Build includes library dependencies
When a library has a shared library as a source, or a static library has another static library as a source, then an target linking to the first library will also automatically link to the source library
However, when a shared library has a static library as a source, then the shared library will be built such that it completely includes the static library (--whole-archive)
If you don't want this behaviour, you need to use the following:
lib a : a.cpp : <use>b : : <library>b ;
This says that library uses library b, and causes executables that link to a to also link to b, instead of a referring to b
Automatically add a library's header location to any upstream target's include path
When a library's interface is in a header file, you can set usage-requirements for the library to include the path where the header file is, so that any target using the library target will automatically get the path to its header added to its include search path
lib foo : foo.cpp : : : <include>. ;
Control library linking order
If library a "uses" library b, then library a will appear before library b.
Library a is considered to use library b is b is present either in library a's sources or its usage is listed in its requirements
The <use> feature can also be used to explicitly express a relationship.
lib z ;
lib png : : <use>z ;
exe viewer : viewer png z ;
z will be linked before png
Special helper for zlib.
zlib can be configured either to use precompiled binaries or to build the library from source.
Find zlib in the default system location
using zlib ;
Build zlib from source
using zlib : 1.2.7 : <source>/home/steven/zlib-1.2.7 ;
Find zlib in /usr/local
using zlib : 1.2.7 : <include>/usr/local/include <search>/usr/local/lib ;
Build zlib from source for msvc and find prebuilt binaries for gcc.
using zlib : 1.2.7 : <source>C:/Devel/src/zlib-1.2.7 : <toolset>msvc ;
using zlib : 1.2.7 : : <toolset>gcc ;
Builtin features:
variant - build variant. Default configuration values: debug, release, profile.
link - library linking. values: shared, static
runtime-link - binary linking. values: shared, static
threading - link additional threading libraries. values: single, multi
source - useful for adding the same source to all targets in the project (put <source> in requirements), or to conditionally include a source
library - useful for linking to the same libraries for all targets in the project
dependency - introduces a dependency on the target named by the value. If the declared target is built, the dependent target will be too
implicit-dependency - indicates the target named by the value may produce files which the declared target uses.
use - introduces a dependency on the target named by the value, and adds its usage requirements to the build properties of the target being declared. The dependency is not used in any other way.
dll-path - add a shared library search path.
hardcode-dll-path - hardcode the dll-path entries. Values: true, false.
cflags, cxxflags, linkflags - passed on to the corresponding tools.
include - add an include search path.
define - define a preprocessor symbol. A value can be specified: <define>symbol=value
warnings - control the warning level of the compiler. Values: off, on, all.
warnings-as-errors - turn on to have builds fail when a warning is emitted.
build - skips building the target. Useful to conditionally set the value. Values: no.
tag - customize the name of generated files. Value: @rulename, where rulename is the name of a rule with the signature: rule tag ( name : type ? : property-set ). The rule will be called for each target with the default name of the target, the type of the target, and property set. Return an empty string to use the default target name, or a non empty string to be used for the name of the target. Useful for encoding library version nos etc.
debug-symbols - Include debug symbols in the object files etc. Values: on, off.
Change behaviour for only a single object file
obj foo : foo.cpp : <optimizarion>off ;
exe bar : bar.cpp foo ;
foo will be built with the special flags, and then van be pulled into other targets
Alternative name for a group of targets
alias core : foo bar baz ;
Using core in the source list of any other target or on the command line will translate to the aliased group of targets
Change build properties
alias my_bar : ../foo//bar : <link>static ;
my_bar now refers to the bar target in the foo Jamfile, but has the requirement that it be linked statically
Specify a header only library
alias hdr_only_lib : : : : <include>/path/to/headers ;
Using hdr_only_lib will just add an include path to any targets
Propagation of usage-requirements
When an alias has sources, the usage-requirements of those sources are propagated as well.
lib lib1 : lib1src.cpp : : : <include>/path/to/lib1.hpp ;
lib lib2 : lib2src.cpp : : : <include>/path/to/lib2.hpp ;
alias static_libs : lib1 lib2 : <link>static ;
exe main : main.cpp static_libs ;
Compile main with lib1 and lib2 as static libraries, and their paths are added to the include search path
Installing a built target to a relative path
install dist : foo bar ;
foo and bar will be moved to the dist folder, relative to the Jamfile's directory
Installing a built target to specific location
foo and bar will be moved to /install/path/location
Installing a built target to a path based on a conditional expression
(see conditional expressions below)
: foo bar
: <variant>release:<location>dist/release
<variant>debug:<location>dist/debug ;
foo and bar will be installed to relative path dist/<build-variant>
Installing a built target to a path based on an environment variable
(see accessing environment variables below)
: foo
: <install-dependencies>on
will find all targets foo depends on, and install those which are either executables or libraries.
: a/b/c.h
: <location>/tmp
/tmp/b/c.h will be installed
use an alias rule to install to several directories
install install-bin : apps : <location>/usr/bin ;
install install-lib : libs : <location>/usr/lib ;
set the RPATH
install installed : application : <dll-path>/usr/lib/snake
<location>/usr/bin ;
will allow the application to find libraries placed in the /usr/lib/snake directory.
unit-test foo_test : test.cpp foo ;
behaves just like exe rule, but the test is automatically run after building
testing through another application
unit-test foo_test : test.cpp foo : <testing.launcher>valgrind ;
runs the test through the launcher, eg: valgrind build/path/foo_test
local foo = [ SHELL "bar" ] ;
Executing external programs:
import os ;
local SOME_PATH = [ os.environ SOME_PATH ] ;
exe foo : foo.cpp : <include>$(SOME_PATH) ;
Conditional expressions:
property ( "," property ) * ":" property
multiple properties can be combined
exe hello : hello.cpp : <os>NT,<toolset>gcc:<link>static ;
will link hello statically only when compiling with gcc on NT
Command reference:
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