Create, adjust, rename, move and destroy cpusets
Create a cpuset, using cpus 1-3, use NUMA node 1 and call it "my_cpuset1"
$ cset set --cpu=1-3 --mem=1 --set=my_cpuset1
Change "my_cpuset1" to only use cpus 1 and 3
$ cset set --cpu=1,3 --mem=1 --set=my_cpuset1
Destroy a cpuset
$ cset set --destroy --set=my_cpuset1
Rename an existing cpuset
$ cset set --set=my_cpuset1 --newname=your_cpuset1
Create a hierarchical cpuset
$ cset set --cpu=3 --mem=1 --set=my_cpuset1/my_subset1
List existing cpusets (depth of level 1)
List existing cpuset and its children
$ cset set --list --set=my_cpuset1
List all existing cpusets
$ cset set --list --recurse
Manage threads and processes
List tasks running in a cpuset
$ cset proc --list --set=my_cpuset1 --verbose
Execute a task in a cpuset
$ cset proc --set=my_cpuset1 --exec myApp -- --arg1 --arg2
Moving a task
$ cset proc --toset=my_cpuset1 --move --pid 1234
$ cset proc --toset=my_cpuset1 --move --pid 1234,1236
$ cset proc --toset=my_cpuset1 --move --pid 1238-1340
Moving a task and all its siblings
$ cset proc --move --toset=my_cpuset1 --pid 1234 --threads
Move all tasks from one cpuset to another
$ cset proc --move --fromset=my_cpuset1 --toset=system
Move unpinned kernel threads into a cpuset
$ cset proc --kthread --fromset=root --toset=system
Forcibly move kernel threads (including those that are pinned to a specific cpu) into a cpuset (note: this may have dire consequences for the system - make sure you know what you're doing)
$ cset proc --kthread --fromset=root --toset=system --force
Using hierarchical cpusets to create prioritised groupings
1. Create a system cpuset with 1 cpu (0)
2. Create a prio_low cpuset with 1 cpu (1)
3. Create a prio_met cpuset with 2 cpus (1-2)
4. Create a prio_high cpuset with 3 cpus (1-3)
5. Create a prio_all cpuset with all 4 cpus (0-3) (note this the same as root; it is considered good practice to keep a separation from root)
To achieve the above you create prio_all, and then create subset prio_high under prio_all, etc
$ cset set --cpu=0 --set=system
$ cset set --cpu=0-3 --set=prio_all
$ cset set --cpu=1-3 --set=/prio_all/prio_high
$ cset set --cpu=1-2 --set=/prio_all/prio_high/prio_med
$ cset set --cpu=1 --set=/prio_all/prio_high/prio_med/prio_low